Friday, May 13, 2011

Another day

Well, it's been a few days since my last post and I thought I would vent a little more to myself again :) Life in the house on the hill is still a pain in the butt! I called housing this week to figure out when we could get a house and there are still 3 people ahead of us which means it's just a waiting game for a new home and because we picked to live in a smaller community it's going to be a bit longer wait because there aren't as many houses. But, thats the main reason we picked this house so we will wait!

I'm looking forward to moving so much these days being in a house were there is nothing but awkwardness is starting to take it's toll on me. I mean I'm a bitch by nature it's just something I am and having to bite my tongue and keep everything to myself only means a harder time for Charlie sicne I cant really talk to anyone else about it. I do have my mom and trust me I take advantage of her ears but Charlie is here and he is seeing it so it's easier to be like did you hear that.. ya know? She doesn't talk to me anymore and hardly acknowledges the kids which is fine her choice. Random thought here but, why is it when someone is mad at you they take it out on your kids first? Thats how my aunts are too! It's like fuck with someone your own age.. Oh wait arent you the elder shouldn't you know better? Yet EVERYONE expects me to be perfect 24-7 but, the old farts in the family are the furtherest thing from just that.

At least I won't have to deal with her all weekend. They have taken Baga(my grandma) to Arizona because her sister (Aunt Florence) passed away last week. I would love to go to be there to support my Baga but, it's not looking like that is going to happen. My prayerts and thoughts will be with the Makin family though and I'll be visiting Baga on Monday night once she is back. I never know what to say when someone loses somene clsoe to them. I feel like everything I can come up with Generic and heartless. I don't deal with death well as we can all see with my Papa passing. It's been almost a year and it really feels like just yesterday my dad sent a TEXT MESSAGE(WHAT THE FUCK!!!) to me in the middle of the night to tell me. Thanks I'll be sure to text you at any important thing from here on out idiot. Anyways I still cry about it almost daily and wish he was still here. I miss him so much.

BACK TO BEING RANDOM! HOLY CRAP LET ME SHARE THIS CINDERELLA CRAP WITH YOU!!!! On Tuesday my Dad and SM(STEP MOM) came home from Utah and there was this black crap all over their tile floor. We did not put it there but, she was not standing for that answer anywas she caused massive drama for my dad because of this. I told my dad I had nothing to lie about thats something so small and dumb to lie about anyways so I cleaned it anyways to stop her from being a crazy bitch and the next day she lectures me about how they didn't put them there and I was pretty much lying and needed to be honest. I was like your kidding me... I don't lie to my dad but, it doesn't matter what I say anyways does it..


Well, back to making photo books!!

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